¡Hola! ¡Bienvenid@!

I’m Tracy Ariza

Born to a Spanish father and American mother, I’ve traveled back and forth between Spain and the US throughout my lifetime. I somehow ended up in a beautiful gastronomy city on the Spanish riviera, where I’ve lived around 20 years.

Follow me as I discover and make delicious Spanish food and wines and share them with you!

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2 glasses of gazpacho andaluz
Main Dishes | Soups & Salads | Tapas

Gazpacho Andaluz

Spain’s most popular summer soup, gazpacho Andaluz, is often drunk like a drink or smoothie. This cold, healthy, veggie-packed soup is cool and refreshing, perfect for hot summer days. What is gazpacho Andaluz? Gazpacho Andaluz is a Spanish vegan-friendly cold soup made from fresh vegetables, garlic, vinegar, and oil. It’s served cold in small bowls…